98% of Facebook Advertisers do not leverage the Pixel to its full potentials!
Advanced Social Pixel allows you to increase the dimension
and quality of your Custom Audiences to increase ROAS.
Why you should use Advanced Social Pixel plugin
- A super easy setup, 60 seconds and you’re done!
- Don’t waste impressions, exclude logged users or team members
- Increase Audience matching and dimension (bye bye cookie based tracking only!)
- Increase the quality of your Audiences (more quality less conversions costs)
- Easy setup of Standard and Custom Conversions
What Advanced Social Pixel plugin can do for you

Blazing fast Install
Install the plugin, copy and paste theFacebook Pixel code and you are good to go. You just spent few seconds of your life.

Advanced Matching
Let Facebook increase the dimension of your audiences by passing profile data (i.e. Name, Email, Phone, ZIP code, etc.
Delayed Pixel
Increase the quality of your Audiencesby delaying the firing of the Pixel by
scroll page or time on page.

Agency Friendly
Add multiple pixels at once so you caneasily handle all your clients and get
them better results with retargeting.

Automated events
Automated firing of Standard Eventsfor Wordpress and WooCommerce

Conversion Pixels
Easily setup Custom Conversions andtrack them on Facebook for a better
Improve your Facebook Advertising returns with the
Advanced Social Pixel plugin
Pro - 1 Site
Everything in FREE plus…
Add multiple Pixels
WooCommerce advanced
Automated Standards Events
Custom Conversions
Master - 5 Sites
Everything in FREE plus…
Add multiple Pixels
WooCommerce advanced
Automated Standards Events
Custom Conversions